
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Satisfactory Essays

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is one of the “Tragedy” stories that he has written and the “Tragedy” was caused by someone in the story. The Montag and Capulet families have a feud, and they would hate the fact that each others’ son and daughter would marry each other. Sadly Romeo and Juliet marry each other without their parents consent. They could be also known as, star crossed lovers. Someone has to take the blame for these deaths and personally Friar Lawrence can take the blame for everything. For example in Act 2 Scene 6 Lines 35-38 shows how Friar Lawrence was influencing Romeo and Juliet to do what they are not suppose to do. Friar Lawrence did not think about marrying them. Innocently he might have thought that it would help

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