
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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In the story Romeo and Juliet there are many things you can blame people on and many bad things that happen. When Tybalt dies you can easily blame Romeo because in the story he stabs him with a sword. Also you could blame Capulet for Juliet's unhappiness because he make her marry Paris over who she wants to. In Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Friar John and Friar Lawrence are to blame for the deaths for the young lovers. In Romeo and Juliet Friar John is one of the bigger reasons Romeo and Juliet died. When Romeo doesn't get the right news and and thinks that Juliet is dead it is his fault. Friar John says “And finding him, the searchers of the town, Suspecting that we both were in a house, Where the infectious pestilence did reign,Sealed

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