
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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If anybody, who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths? In the tragedy Romeo and Juliet By Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet are faced with many difficulties to get to their goal of marriage and a happiness together. The story begins with Romeo and Juliet meeting each other and loving each other a lot. They end up marrying secretly, then in the last act Romeo and Juliet both decide to kill themselves. They both had their own reasons that they decided to commit suicide, but what events and people were involved with them the most? In my opinion, the deaths were in fault of Friar Laurence, “The Family Feud,” and also the decisions of Romeo and Juliet themselves.
To start off, I believe that Friar Laurence is to blame because of the things that …show more content…

Be merciful, say “death,”For exile hath more terror in his look, Much more than death. Do not say “banishment.”” (3.3.12-14) This quote is showing the love between Romeo and Juliet on saying that they can’t live without each other. Several people may believe that Romeo and Juliet’s deaths were not their faults, and it was all the major people and events that took place prior to their deaths. I can understand exactly how they believe that, but honestly it is kind of all their faults. A factor incorporating to why it was their fault is that they were the ones that decided to commit suicide, no one else physically killed them. They didn’t think about the situation, they just ended their lives so they could be “closer to each other.” Also, neither Romeo and Juliet told none of their parents that what was going on, they just kept it between themselves. Like I said before, if the parents would have known the situation, then it would be very likely that Romeo and Juliet would still be alive. Connecting to the first idea, Romeo and Juliet thought that they had to always be with each other, they could never let each other go. Well, they obviously took that thought too far, and ending up killing themselves in a way to be “with” each other

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