
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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The Death of Romeo and Juliet A wedding is a joyful moment when families come together and celebrate the love between two people. Rarely, does a couple marry in secrecy and go as far as faking death to hide their love from their kinsmen. On even more rare accounts does the couple end their own lives, days after getting married. Unfortunately this was the case for the couple in William Shakespeare's play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the play it is made clear that Romeo and Juliet are inseparable and madly in love. Unfortunately, the love between Romeo and Juliet is so strong and leads to both of their deaths. Even though many characters impact their deaths it is visible that two characters are most to blame. Sadly, Romeo and …show more content…

In act III, Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a sleeping potion so she can fake her death, then she is to be put in the Capulet tomb. However, Friar states that when she awakens he will be there to break her out. Unfortunately, when that time comes, the friar arrives too late. Instead her husband Romeo is dead beside her, leaving Juliet devastated. Friar Lawrence is anxious to get Juliet and himself out of the tomb in concern of getting caught. “Come, go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay.”(V.2.159) Friar Lawrence is showing that he is unreliable when Juliet awakens and isn’t there to break her out along with leaving her alone in the tomb with Romeo. The message that Juliet had taken the sleeping potion never reached Romeo. Instead, Romeo was informed that Juliet was dead. He saw Juliet in the tomb unconscious and assuming she was dead took his own life. Juliet who was now alone and feeling as if there is not a simpler way out takes her own life. Friar Lawrence can be blamed for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. If Friar Lawrence told Romeo sooner about Juliet taking the potion and he had not left Juliet in the Capulet tomb, the young lovers lives would be

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