
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Romeo and Juliet is a story of true love, and bad decisions, which in the end lead them to their deaths. We, as the audience have to wonder, who is really to blame for this. In my opinion the finger points at Friar Lawrence. I believe this because of the fact that he married the two of them, he gave Juliet the ludicrous plan at the end of the play, and because he left her alone in the Capulet tomb. First off, he married the two of them. Romeo and Juliet were from two different families that bitterly hated each other. His hopes were that in marrying the two of them, it would end the feud once and for all. I have to say, if I were him, I never would've thought that it would work. Nothing pointed to the signs of them being friendly, except

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