
Who Was To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Romeo is at fault for his and Juliet’s death because, Romeo decided to sneak into the Capulet masquerade ball, thanks to this fatal decision, Romeo and Juliet met.“ I’ll go along, no such to be shown/ But to rejoice in splendor of mine own” (I, ii, 102-103). If Romeo hadn’t been so impulsive, he wouldn’t have fell in “love” with Juliet and causing the two of them to get married, Benvolio tells Romeo that he is impulsive by saying, “Tut! You saw her fair, none else being by/ Herself poised with herself in either eye”(I,ii, 96-97). If Romeo had calmed down and thought thing through, he would have waited for guard to show up, “Is little above our heads/ Either thou or I, or both, must go with him”(III,i, 124-126). Tybalt would have been prosecuted with the murder of Mercutio, “If you ever disturb our streets again/ Your lives shall pay the forfeit of peace”(I,i, 93-94). Due to Romeo’s actions, he was banished from Verona for the murder of Tybalt.When Romeo found out that he was to be banished from Verona, he tried to stab himself, but Friar Lawrence convinced him that he was a lucky man. …show more content…

Lord Capulet has a large influence on Romeo and Juliet’s death because in Act I scene ii he made the clown (who can’t read) gather the guests, which means if the clown didn’t ask Romeo for help, Romeo wouldn’t have met Juliet. In act III scene V, Lord Capulet forces Juliet to marry Paris causing her to visit Friar Lawrence about Romeo, if Lord Capulet had sat down and talked to Juliet about Paris, she probably would have taken it a different way. However, Lord Capulet is not the most to blame, because there is not enough evidence to prove that he is at

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