
Who Is Victor Frankenstein

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In this novel the statement “I began the creation of a human being”- Victor Frankenstein (Shelley 35) is one of the most powerful statements made by Victor. Victor, who was a man of a privileged family who was obsessed with scientific advancement. He was able to successfully create a living being, not a human being as he had originally stated. I will speak on a few scenes in this novel where I thought were important scenes of the of the interactions between this gruesome monster that was created. A living being monster, that through seeing people’s reactions to him, emotions between one another and their communication was able to do the same but was never accepted as a human being. The meaning of the word human being is an individual of the …show more content…

The moment the creature was given life. This description of the creature coming to life is quite not one of human like movement. The description of the limbs was not those of someone mobbing them. Instead, it is as if they are objects being moved by something else. The words convulsion and agitated seem to imply a disturbing and sudden movement. Later in the novel this involuntary actions cause the creature to commit murder. I believe that Victor 1st thought was that his creation would have been something beautiful. Something he would have been proud to claim as his creation. He does not see that this creation is hideous until the last minute. Victor was so involved with his fantasy that he could not see what he was really creating. Shelley seems to be implying that no matter how much effort Victor had put into it; the creature would have still been a monster. Victor describe it in only negative ways. Victor says “For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desire it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart” (Shelley 39). The body was not scary to him, but the body with life was something else. There just seemed to be something in the creatures’ appearance that was just terrifying to the humans, given them an immediate bias against

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