
Who Was Responsible After The Trial Of Eichmann's

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Most people are willing to abandon their moral and ethical principles in order to comply with the requests of an authority figure. Beginning in 1933, it is estimated that nearly six million innocent Jews were slaughtered during the events of the Holocaust. Gas chambers, death camps, and daily corpse quotas were erected in order to execute the policies of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann. Although these inhumane policies originated from a single mind, they were implemented on a massive scale by countless individuals simply following orders with the same efficiency as the manufacture of appliances. Three months after the start of Eichmann’s trial, Milgram devised a psychological experiment to determine whether the accomplices involved were truly guilty or were simply following the orders of an authority figure. …show more content…

Those individuals who chose to participate believed they were to take part in a memory and learning study conducted at Yale University. Within the sample, a wide range of occupations were represented including postal clerks, salesmen, engineers, high school teachers, and laborers. A range of diversity in educational levels was also present in the sample from one who had not finished elementary school to some who had doctorate and professional degrees. Preceding the events of the experiment, each subject was paid $4.50, approximately $35.00 adjusted for inflation. In order to assure them that the money was theirs no matter what occurred after their arrival, participants were specifically told that payment was dependent on coming to the laboratory, not on the events of the study

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