
Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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Prince Sado of Korea murder and raped people on a whim. These horrid act began after he recovered from the measles which some believed caused his insanity, but nevertheless he was fully responsible for his deeds though it wasn’t entirely his fault. In Macbeth, Shakespeare reveals that Macbeth’s downfall had the help of three witches, his wife and his own personal fear. [The influence of the world around Macbeth and the choices he made led him to his own destruction.] Macbeth’s downfall began when three witches greeted him with the titles of Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and the man who shall be king. He was already Thane of Glamis to begin with and the king has given the title of Thane of Cawdor. He has gain the title Thane of Cawdor without trying to obtain is. So with this prediction he leaves it to chance. Why not, he has already been given the title thane of Cawdor without him trying? …show more content…

After speaking with Macbeth Duncan declares that Malcolm shall be the prince of Cumberland. This announcement strikes a chord with Macbeth. He was supposed to be king. The witches even predicted that he would be king, but Malcolm has been named the king, once Duncan’s reign ends. He has to choose to let this go or pursue the idea of becoming king.
Lady Macbeth was the last push Macbeth needed to kill Duncan. Macbeth had been debating if he should kill his king who has honoured him greatly. Lady Macbeth quickly distinguish that flame of doubt by questioning his courage, and his manhood. “Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem, letting “I dare not “ wait upon” I would,” like the poor cat I’ the’ adage?”. With these words she is able to get MAcbeth back on track to kill

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