
Why Andrew Jackson Won The Trail Of Tears

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The Trail of Tears was a very tragic event that occurred after president Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act. The Indian Removal Act was exactly what it sounds like. Congress forced thousands of Indians out of their homes at gunpoint, simply because of American greed and longing desire for wealth. Many Americans sought gold that could be found in Georgia, where many Native Americans were settled. In order to obtain this land and the wealth that came with it, American soldiers forced around 16,000 natives from various different tribes to go on an extremely long and difficult journey to the western regions of America. Along this journey they encountered poor weather, they were treated poorly, and around 4,000 died. If they were lucky, …show more content…

Andrew Jackson was convinced that he was helping the Natives by forcing them out of the land they have thrived on for many, many years. He believed that by doing this, the Native Americans will “enable them {Native Americans} to pursue happiness in their own way” (Document A). This statement is not true because the Natives were already content and secure on the land they resided on. By removing them, he took away their happiness. Native Americans treat their land as if it is their own child, so the Indian Removal Act was very depressing for them. Jackson also said that by removing the Indians, it will prevent a war between the two groups. This is a false argument because instead of preventing a war, it actually sparked many wars between the two groups. While this was very saddening for the Natives, it was very good for American citizens. By conquering this land, it allowed the states “to advance in population, wealth, and power” (Document A). It allowed the Americans to gain gold and let them expand America as a whole. The Cherokees did not want to be removed from their land. In Document B, the Cherokees state that they want to “remain on the land of their fathers” because they feel that

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