
Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together?

Decent Essays

Every public school lunch room is filled with many tables, every day these tables are the perfect place for a student to find where they “belong”. Like Beverly Daniel Tatum states in “Why Are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?”, part of the social groups forming in high schools goes to thank adolescents. Tatum writes, “As children enter adolescence, they begin to explore the question of identity, asking ‘Who am I?’ ‘Who can I be?’”(375). At this point in their life everyone begins to see their own interests and hobbies that makes them a little different than others. Because students are starting to realize their differences, in modern day high schools there are many social groups that students can identify with and feel the most comfortable being themselves. In high school, there are so many types of people with every possible different interests and hobbies. There are always the stereotypical “jocks” and “nerds”, but there are groups beyond that. Along with the athletes and the class scholars, there are students in the drama club and choir department, these students tend to bond together over their hobbies and love for their preferred art form. The less known groups would have to be the types of people that the world seems to look down upon such as the gay kids and the foreign kids. Groups such as these, tend to bond over the fact that because of the way they are, the support from people “like them” gives them a sense of comfort when the might not get

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