
Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together? Essay

Decent Essays

I came into this class not so naïve as some students may have been. I’ve grown up going to public schools, living in a diverse small town, and having interracial relationships in my family. Although I was informed on some forms of racism and the fact that racism does in fact still exist, I didn’t realize it was extensive as it really is. All the readings, videos, and lectures have directly related back to the purpose of the course. As a whole, I feel like this class has grown in knowledge not only about how racism affects people, but how to change and make a difference. This class has informed me a lot more about the unfortunately thriving acts of racism in the United States. While in this class we read much from Beverly Tatum’s book Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria. Tatum gives a great order of racial identity in this book that everyone can relate too, and can work their way through the different levels. I feel like I can personally relate to the sixth stage of racial identity – autonomy. This states that someone has positive feelings about oneself as white. During the earlier stages of racial identity one could begin to feel uncomfortable or guilty for being white. This can come from white privileged or being thought of as being “superior” due to race. During autonomy one can begin to form friendships/acquaintances more easily with those outside of their own race. Also, having positive encounters with other races makes one want to confront

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