
Why Are Some Children More Difficult Than Others?

Decent Essays

It is easy to ask " Why are some children more difficult than others?", but it is not an easy question to answer. There are so many reason that a child can have problem behavior, and without knowing the actual motive of the behaviors, it can be almost impossible to correctly address it. Examples of reasons children have problem behavior can include, but not limited to, a child 's biology, their neurological development and their environment. So many different factors can cause a child to have problem behavior. A child that is showing behavior due to a mental handicap is going to need a different approach to correct the behavior than a child that is showing problem behavior just to gain attention. This is why it is so important to be able to identify behavior, as well as the cause of the behavior. Until recently, it was very difficult to determine is a child 's biology could affect their behavior. This is an example that brings the argument of nature vs. nurture forward. Certain behaviors can be difficult to determine whether it is a learned response or a biological response, but recent studies of twins and adopted children have shown " that antisocial behavior is 40 to 50 percent heritable" (Kaiser, 2012). What is interesting about such studies is how a child 's challenging behavior can develop by both biology and environment. This means that even though a child may be genetically predisposition to a certain problem behavior, with the right environment the behavior can

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