
Why Death Should Be Important For All Philosophers And How One Goes About Acquiring Knowledge Essay

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In Plato’s Phaedo, Socrates is preparing for his death following his trial in Plato’s Apology. He engages in an discussion with Simmias and Cebes about why death should be important to all philosophers and how one goes about acquiring knowledge. Socrates explains that the pursuit of knowledge, or wisdom, should be the life goal of a philosopher. This explanation hinges on the fact that death makes possible the acquisition of knowledge. However, the issue that I will focus on in this paper is the way Socrates the acquisition of knowledge. He believes that the body is impure, and the soul only acquires knowledge after death in an “In-Between” state when by itself. Simmias and Cebes don’t raise an issue with this explanation; however, I do. Socrates does not definitively prove that the soul is acquiring knowledge during this “In-Between” state, nor does he consider the alternative theory that the soul can acquire knowledge in the body, but consolidates and identifies the truth of this knowledge after death. In this paper, I will investigate this alternative theory and show how it is possible according to Socrates’ standards.

As Socrates is preparing for his execution, he defines what death is to Simmias and Cebes and explains the significance of death. As one will see, this is the beginning of the standards he sets for how the soul acquires knowledge. He describes how it is “better at certain times and for certain people to die than to live . . . those from whom it is better

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