
Why Did Colonists Develop A Sense Of Unity Essay

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By the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the colonists developed a sense of unity because of the French-Indian War and the Intolerable Acts. However, they had a decreased sense of unity due to the Committees of Correspondence, their members, and their outcome on the events from 1750 to 1776. The American Colonies developed a sense of identity and unity as a result of the negative public opinion to the actions taken by Great Britain during the early 1770’s. The historical driver to the actions Great Britain took in the 1770’s was the large amount of debt the British accumulated during the French-Indian War and the ineffectiveness that additional taxes had on the American colonies due to the open aggression to the rule of the crown. The historical context in which the British Parliament decided to pass the Intolerable Acts is the unrest in the …show more content…

These did actions such as restrict the power of the Massachusetts government, allow British officials accused of a crime to stand trial in Great Britain, and close the Boston Harbor until order had been restored and the price of the destroyed tea was paid. In response to these acts, the Committees of Correspondence organized a plan to provide shipments of products to Boston without having to reopen the harbor, thus circumventing the need to pay Great Britain for the destroyed goods. This showed unity because it shows the American colonies working with other colonies when they would previously act indifferent to the situation regarding other colonies, which shows unity because it shows the colonies banding against an outside force (this time being Great Britain) (Doc 7). Historically, this resulted in open aggression between British subjects loyal to the crown and Colonial forces, leading the Continental Congress to write a letter to the lawmaking authorities of Great Britain. The purpose of the letter was to explain the reasons the colonies had taken up arms against Britain and ask

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