
Louisiana Purchase Dbq

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Were Jefferson and Madison able to settle the continuous disputes in the United States? The United States was facing many problems after the presidency of Washington and Adams. The problems included: debt, Spain’s westward expansion, the Constitution, confrontations with Britain and France, and political parties. Jefferson and Madison dealt with unresolved problems by Jefferson’s new course for government, the Louisiana Purchase, and the War of 1812 (Britain). Jefferson and Madison dealt with unresolved problems by Jefferson’s new course for government by limiting faction influence and uniting as one nation. Document One states, “Let us, then, fellow citizens, unite with oe heart and one mind. Most people would agree that factions were a problem back then and they continue to be today. Jefferson’s new course for government solved the problem of political parties because he knew everyone had a side, but he wanted everyone to understand that we are all Americans and we need to stick together as one, strong nation. …show more content…

Document Four declares, “The nation-changing Louisiana purchase subsequently doubled the size of the United States overnight. Eventually Spain ceded all of its territories to the United States, beginning in Florida in 1819, as the modern-shape of the U.S.A. finally come together. Generally speaking, expansion made by any other countries, not including your own, is considered to be a massive dilemma. The Louisiana Purchase resolved the problem of expansion made by those in Spain and helped the United States expand into a more powerful

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