
Why Did The London Bombing Happen

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In March 11 2004 191 people died and 2,000 more were injured when 10 bombs went off on 4 trains in three Madrid area trains station in the morning during rush hour. This attack had been the deadliest attack since the Lockerbie airplane bombing where 243 passengers and 16 crew members died on December 21, 1988. It was later found that the bombs were detonated by cell phones and evidence showed that it was the cause of an extreme Islamist militant group suspected to be tied with al-Qaida. It seemed that the terrorists had targeted Madrid’s Atocha station where seven of the bombs were detonated and the three other bombs did not detonate according to plan which were later found intact. Many saw these attacks as retaliation for Spain’s taking part in the war in Iraq. Although no real motives were found as to why it happened. …show more content…

Upon arriving at kings cross, Tanweer, Khan, and Lindsay go to Aldgate, Edgware road, and Russell, there they detonate their bombs. Meanwhile Hussain triggers his device on a double-decker bus. In edgware road bomb attack was detonated by ringleader Khan killing six people. In aldgate bomb attack was detonated by Tanweer killing seven people. In Russell Square bomb attack was detonated by Germaine Lindsay killing 26 people. The last attack was Tavistock Square bomb attack was detonated by Hasib Hussain on a double decker bus killing 13 people at 9:47 BST. These bomb attacks were really devastating not only for family members but for anyone who witnessed such cruelty take

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