
Why Do Children Avoid Playing?

Decent Essays

Statsky explains that some children go as far as making themselves throw-up to avoid playing, supposedly showing that many children are afraid of competing in sports. It is true that sports can be scary to small children; however, faking vomiting to sit out of a practice is too extreme to happen on a regular basis. Children get scared, it is a normal reflex, especially if there is a ball or a bat involved. However, this does not mean children will go as far as throwing up to avoid playing. Additionally, this does not mean that children will stop playing because they supposedly fear getting hurt. When I was in third grade, my sister tripped and fell while playing a game of soccer. Although her injuries were not severe, she did have to wear a sling for about two weeks to heal. I remember children running up to me past a sign that read NO RUNNING and yelling, “Urva! Your sister …show more content…

When she went back to school, she showed the sling to all of her friends and had them scribble smiley faces and “get well soon” notes with a black sharpie. My little cousin, who happened to sleepover a Friday night, thought the sling was the “coolest thing ever.” She started crying, pulling at the sleeves of my grandma’s cardigan because she wanted one too. In the end, my grandma tied a scarf around my cousin’s neck and arm so she too could be a “cool kid.” My sister was not scarred from tripping and spraining her arm while running to kick a ball. She got up the next day, less sore, but instead of running to the playground, she walked and continued to score goals. It is true that sports can be scary because they inevitably cause harm, but it is also true that most children do not worry about the possibility of getting harmed. In fact, for many like my sister and cousin, the injuries that they have, or sustain, are no different than badges of honor or battle scars shown

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