
Why Competitive Sports Are Important

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Why Competitive Sports Are Important Competitive sports are popular all over the world. Sports like football, basketball and many more. Many children play sports. And many enjoy it. It would good because it helps teach children life lessons like teamwork, leadership, time management, and discipline. Competitive sports also have children who dislike sports. Competitive sports give children injuries while playing, decreases their self-esteem, and increases stress. Making competitive sports harmful to kids. First of all, students and children who play sports may often get hurt. They can get hurt in serious ways, like concussions. According to, “...Teenagers dying after playing too soon after a concussion.” shows an example on how bad injuries could get. If you think about it, teenagers who play too early before completely healing from a concussion can kill you, then …show more content…

Playing competitive sports can be very difficult. With the pressure and stress in training or before games. Pain can be very stressful. Competitive sports can cause emotional burnouts. The more pain you receive, the harder it is to continue playing. Some kids will even try to endure the pain to continue playing. Not only that, but students are also given intense training schedules. For the youth, it is a lot to handle. Handling hard core training hurts the brain. Again, based on my personal experience, I played football and volleyball intramurals right after school. The sports takes about 2 hours of replaying against other teams in the school. Using so much time in both basketball and sports, it brought my grades down abit. I personally has received all A’s in elementary so if my grade went down it is very disappointing to see grades go down. I had to miss a few after school days and study. I wanted a good grade but I also wanted to continue playing sports. It was hard to coordinate with competitive sports and my

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