Why Competitive Sports Are Important Competitive sports are popular all over the world. Sports like football, basketball and many more. Many children play sports. And many enjoy it. It would good because it helps teach children life lessons like teamwork, leadership, time management, and discipline. Competitive sports also have children who dislike sports. Competitive sports give children injuries while playing, decreases their self-esteem, and increases stress. Making competitive sports harmful to kids. First of all, students and children who play sports may often get hurt. They can get hurt in serious ways, like concussions. According to nytimes.com, “...Teenagers dying after playing too soon after a concussion.” shows an example on how bad injuries could get. If you think about it, teenagers who play too early before completely healing from a concussion can kill you, then …show more content…
Playing competitive sports can be very difficult. With the pressure and stress in training or before games. Pain can be very stressful. Competitive sports can cause emotional burnouts. The more pain you receive, the harder it is to continue playing. Some kids will even try to endure the pain to continue playing. Not only that, but students are also given intense training schedules. For the youth, it is a lot to handle. Handling hard core training hurts the brain. Again, based on my personal experience, I played football and volleyball intramurals right after school. The sports takes about 2 hours of replaying against other teams in the school. Using so much time in both basketball and sports, it brought my grades down abit. I personally has received all A’s in elementary so if my grade went down it is very disappointing to see grades go down. I had to miss a few after school days and study. I wanted a good grade but I also wanted to continue playing sports. It was hard to coordinate with competitive sports and my
Competitive sports in some cases are becoming very unhealthy for children. Most children would rather play on a losing team than sit on the bench of a winning team. Youth sports are a great idea to get children up and active, as well as improve their social skills. Just like every other thing in life it is important to practice and work hard to achieve success. However it is unhealthy to push for results over the needs or wants of the child. Aside from the mental stress that young athletes may experience from intense training and physical play long lasting injures is now a growing concern. Fact is competitive sports is a double edge sword if done right it is the greatest thing world, but if done wrong it can be very unhealthy for a child.
Some might argue that sports puts students under stress. Different types of stress such as time management, getting homework done, pleasing parents, etc is what some students unfortunately go through. Although things such as time management is a struggle, students eventually learn how to handle these situations. They adapt certain skill that will also be beneficial later in their lives. If some students still struggle that can be excused from a few practices or games to catch up with school work. Stress can be avoided, but some still worry that injuries can’t.
The root causes of Krebs’ alienation is present in the story when he returns home with no excitement, no parties, no talks of war or even a warm welcome. The lack of attention for his sacrifice creates a liar out of Krebs, and even though he hates it, he cannot prevent himself from lying due to the positive reinforcement he received amongst his peers from his lies. Why should he tell the truth? No one he closely associated with was there with him in Germany. He simply could not come home with a boring story for his family.
Children are often exposed to sports at an early age. As they get older and start school they often participate in sports as a way to both make now friends and be active. As the children grow older, progressing into their teenage years, they become more specialized in their sports. The sports that the young people continue with grow in their favor. When the child reaches the high school level, sports take center stage. The pressure for them to perform in sports and perform well is immense. There is the pressure from coaches, teammates, and others to succeed. The futures of the athletes are at stake. They play for the chance of scholarships and to continue their childhood dreams. This immense pressure is very draining on the teenagers. The pressure for them to do well in sports leads to them suffering in other parts of their lives. The young adults miss out on other activities in high school because they are so consumed in their sport. The extreme focus on sports can also be very draining and lead to emotional stress and harm to the individuals. Young athletes are also under pressure not only to give up other activities, but to over-exert themselves in their sport of choice. The intense atmosphere of high school sports can be detrimental to the individuals involved in them.
Many people think that competitive sports are bad for kids because of injuries like mc l tear, ac l tear, dislocated knee cap or even concussions also they say kids get worse grades in school.
The competitive nature of high school sports can lead to serious physical injuries such as concussions, broken limbs, memory problems, and even death. In a YouTube clip "Pressure on Teen Athletes Soars" The Journal Pediatrics points out that teen athletes between 14 and 19 years old apparently
One reason that competitive sports are negative for children is the risk of injury when participating in sports. As said by Bruce Keller, contributing author of “hey data, data, -- swing!” “The No. 1 fear of sports parents is seeing their child injured on the field. And due to the United States' growing population and sports participation, that's now more common. According to the
One reason kids should not play competitive sports is because of the stress and time commitment they have to put into it. Time management is very important for a child to learn so they can stay focused and complete certain tasks; however, sports greatly interfere with that. Time management can be very effective for a child to develop for the future. According to azcentral.com, a healthy living website, “...sports requires a significant time commitment from children....travel to and from competitions and the events themselves all take time away from children's daily activities”(Westminster 2017). This just proves that sports can be too much of a time commitment. It is not just always fun and games. It requires a lot of attention and valuable time from children, and it may just be too much to handle for them. Also stated in Sports Illustrated, “they are going to lose a lot of their free time...they won’t have time to get too involved and nights and weekends are going to be booked all season long...the off-season could be filled with strength and conditioning requirements” (SI Play 2017). This adds up to suggest that even when the season may be over, it may just never be done! Parents have to spend a lot of time. Based on this, time commitment is essential, and not everyone has that time.
A topic that has been big to debate about is competitive sports. People say that competitive sports teaches kids teamwork, helps them stay fit at a young age, and has shown signs of increase in kids confidence and self-esteem. While others argue that it can cause permanent injuries, place lots of stress, and can struggle with self image like being “forced” to join. In the end , I believe that kids should still participate in competitive sports.
Over the years, many parents have asked the question, should their child play in competitive sports? They might think it is too dangerous and their child could get hurt. They might also think it could teach their child to be aggressive. It has been proven that playing sports while young can help improve development. There are many benefits for children playing competitive sports at a young age, like helping develop skills and characteristics that they may use when they are older, but there should be no requirements for them to play.
The first reason why kids should not be allowed to do competitive sports is because the price of kids playing sports is becoming unreasonably high. According to the website Huffpost their atical “High Coast Off Youth Sports” by VisualNews.com states that, “In the United States, parents spend $671 on average per year to cover the costs of uniforms and the hefty fees charged for registration, lessons and coaching, and at least 1 in 5 ends up spending over $1,000 per child, every year.” This further shows that competitive sports are very costly. The average american has an 59,039 income and the average amount of children in a household is two. So, if they do sports for 10 years it that 20,000 dollars on sports(one sport each.).This can hurt you financially.
Families around the world have most of the same values as others. Respect your elders and be respectful to others. These values are the same in Spain. For example don't talk with your mouth full or say please and thank you. Family and friends are important in Spain. Most of the events are celebrated with family or are enjoyed with friends.
Not everyone believes competitive sports are good for kids. Some people believe competitive sports are harmful to kids. Competitive sports are good because they improve overall health, teach life lessons, and positively impact kids lives.
The first reason that kids should not play competitive sports is that they are stressful. Kids who play competitive sports often experience stress from wanting the recognition involved with winning. According to LiveStrong, “The mounting pressure to play well can increase stress and make children feel bad and lose confidence should they make mistakes or lose” (Huggins 2017). This shows that kids want to win and be the best player on the team, which can result in stress or pressure. When kids are put on the bench or the team loses, the players may experience low self-esteem. Also, participating in a competitive sport also takes up time because of the intense training schedule that is demanded. Because of that, kids may stress about schoolwork or other activities. This can develop failing grades or other consequences. Time.com states, “Student-athletes tend to take easier classes and get lower grades than non-athletes” (Square 2015). This is important to notice because the intense schedules that the athletes have may not allow enough time for schoolwork. The schoolwork may not be completed or fully understood, which can lead to lower academic excellence and poor grades. Competitive sports are unhealthy to kids’ minds. They can cause stress and pressure, and may lead to poor grades and other academic issues.
Imagine a family member of yours was unjustly framed with something he didn’t commit and he is sentenced to death penalty, how would you feel? Death sentence has been thrown back and forth with the argument that it is or it is not an acceptable way of punishing. Offenders are doing what they know best, breaking the law, but the government instead of fixing the problem by doing something better, the make it worse by taking another life from society, which can be considered a “crime”. The death penalty is currently being used by thirty-four out of the fifty in the United States. Death penalty often establishes the question, “Does the government have the right to take away someone’s life?” When death penalty claim another life, the people that get affected are the families of the ones being charged. Death penalty does not bring justice in this world, instead it takes the life of another human being, innocent or not. Death penalty should not exist because it is unconstitutional and affects the families of the person being charged with a certain case. Death sentence didn’t just come out of the blue, it had to come from somewhere and what inspired its creation