
Why Do College Graduates Have Low Depression Rates

Decent Essays

While everyone knows that a college degree can help with finding a high-paying job, it can actually do much more than that. Recent studies indicate that people with college degrees have lower rates of smoking and depression. In addition, a college degree decreases the chances of suffering from a permanent disability while boosting the graduate's chances of having health insurance.

Lower Depression Rates

The American Journal of Public Health recently conducted a study on depression rates among the population. Over the age of 25, college graduate had fewer symptoms of depression than their peers. Plus, the study found that college graduates rated their personal health as better than their non-graduate peers. Even if the individual received their …show more content…

In comparison, only 37 percent of people in the same age groups engaged in physical exercise among non-college graduates.

High Rates of Health Insurance

According to the Lumina Foundation, college graduates have a 47 percent higher rate of health insurance coverage than their peers. In part, this is because college graduates are more likely to be employed at the salaried, well-paying jobs that have health insurance. The average college graduate earns an estimated $32,000 more every year, and this rate is only increasing. They have a 3.5 times lower incidence of poverty. Employer contributions to health insurance are 74 percent greater for college graduates. This works out to an additional contribution of $1,400 per year.

College Graduates Have Lower Disability Rates

Other than lower depression and better health insurance, college graduates are less likely to have a permanent disability. Graduates have a 2.4 times lower rate of needing workers' compensation than individuals who have never graduated college. On average, the chances of a disability making independent living impossible are 3.6 times

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