
Why Do Ficers Consider Kurtz Unsound?

Decent Essays

Why do the officers consider Kurtz unsound?

The officers consider Kurtz and his methods unsound because his reality no longer lines

up with theirs. When Kurtz entered the military, and as he was rising in the ranks, his reality was

especially conducive to that employed by the military, and therefore he was quickly accepted.

Kurtz eventually began to lose grasp of the reality that the military supported, and drifted from it.

This is evidenced by his decision to join the Green Berets, in which he would have low likelihood

of increasing in rank. This began to alienate Kurtz from his superiors, and eventually, after

taking action of his own accord in Vietnam, they realized his reality contradicted theirs. In an

effort to protect …show more content…

In order to prevent its spread to the western world,

the US attempted to stop it were it had already taken root, and prevent it from spreading further.

They chose to do so through war and therefore violence. This war was one over ideals rather

than resources. The battle was one between democracy and communism, not between two

nations. The involved nations were simply representatives for their respective systems.

European imperialism on the other hand was for the increase in pride for the involved nations.

The fight was for control over territory and resources, rather than simple ideals. The fight for

ideals was simply a byproduct of this intrusion, transforming the savages was not a goal. The

opposite is true for Vietnam. The US entered with the intention of altering ideals, and capturing

territory and resources was a side effect. A major point to consider is who decides for which side

a country will fight. A soldier who may support communism, but happens to live in America, is

drowned out by the voices of those in power. Those few make the decisions of the mores and

the general reality of the people. The soldier then must fight a war based on ideals, for an ideal

he does not believe in.

Why does Willard say he would never want another mission after the one involving Kurtz?

Willard says he never wants another mission

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