
Why Do Free Will Exist

Decent Essays

For the amount of time I spend deliberating on my decisions, one would assume I have free will. However, philosophy has yet to clearly determine the validity of free will in our current world. The problem lies in how we define free will and how we perceive the state of our reality. In this paper, I will argue that the presence of free will in our lives is debatable, but its perceived existence is a necessity to life. First, I will present the argument in favor of the notion that free will exists. Philosophers such as Harry Frankfurt argue that true free will is the ability to favor a certain will or, in Frankfurt’s words, “The statement that a person enjoys freedom of the will means (also roughly) that he is free to want what he wants …show more content…

Inwagen provides clear reasoning why free will, when defined as the ability to choose between different forks in time, is impossible with our current understanding of the world. It is simply not possible for us to truly make decisions about our lives that can not be traced to outside influences, even if those influences are random in nature. Harry Frankfurt also provides a compelling analyses of free will that relies on a different definition of the subject. Frankfurt's work allows for a world where free will can exist in a world that is deterministic or nondeterministic. However, both of these philosophies rely on different definitions of free will and neither definition can be proven superior. Until we can definitively prove what free will is, we can never truly determine whether it exists or not. That being said, we cannot function properly as beings if we do not believe we have control over our lives. It is impossible to live life without having a some sense of agency regarding our choices or will. As Peter Van Inwagen points out “I conclude that there is no position one can take concerning free will that does not confront its adherents with mystery.” The mystery lies in what the true definition of free will is, therefore, for the sake of functionality, we can assume it exists even if there is

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