
Why Do I Admire Martin Luther King I Have A Dream

Decent Essays

Firstly, I admire Martin Luther king for his vision that we are equal. Even though African American were no longer slaves to whites, they were living racism, segregation, discrimination by government, neighbors, schools, places and public transport. At that time, Martin Luther king stood up to fight for equality, where everybody is the same. To do that he was dedicated, worked hard to convey the same value of equality to everyone. He did not give up for his ancestor's past or for the limitations in the present, he stood up with faith and hope that one day black and whites will be together, as he said, “We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
Another aspect that I admire from Martin Luther King is that he used peace to fight for civil rights. His philosophy was “ peace and not violence is always better”
To promote peace first he had to live it and demonstrate to others that it is possible to reach goals and dreams …show more content…

"I have a dream", encouraged thousands of people around the world. As, he said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." I think that when he wrote this speech he was inspired in the future, he wrote this speech with hope, with the faith to convey the dream of freedom and do not give up in your dreams. As Luther king said in his speech, “I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.” Today we can see children and adults, on the bus, in the parks, in restaurants, in schools, in universities, and working together. If Martin Luther King could see his dream come true, I'd say it was worth the sacrifice, dedication, effort, and hard work for the equality between human beings regardless their race and

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