
Why Do Ordinary People Pay For Mental Health Care

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Response: In today's society, it is apparent that we are facing a mental health crisis. The lack of mental health care has had disastrous effects on this Nation. To address the issue, our society must first concern ourselves with how ordinary people pay for mental health care. The way people pay for mental health services today is not sufficient. Most states have laws in place making it a requirement for insurance companies to provide mental health care. However, because health care providers create limits on how many mental health professionals are on their panel, and thanks to the inordinate amount of people seeking care, health providers purposefully make it difficult to acquire mental health care in order to save money. This intern means that people seeking mental health care often do so at their own monetary expense. …show more content…

In order to get the out of pocket costs down, either a national mental health care system would need to be constructed, or stricter national codes must be created and enforced to make sure health Insurance companies provide mental health at an affordable rate. On the other hand, I am cautious of letting the state of federal government have their own metal healthcare system. I am aware of the fact that past state run mental health institutions were places of inhuman treatment and torture. A better solution is needed. Therefore, I believe it is best incorporate a national mental health care exchange. That way, people could buy and sell mental health care insurance from any provider in the United States. Also, strict regulations must be enforced to prevent profit hungry insurance providers from purposefully making access to mental healthcare

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