
Why Do Parents Want Kids On Drugs

Decent Essays

Do any parents want their kids on drugs without them knowing that they're on them? The answer is a simple no! If you were a parent and your son had just died, and they had investigated it and realized it was from drugs, how would you feel? If I was a parent right now I would feel devastated. This shows you how poignant people get when they find out what drugs and other places have done to their children, friends and parents. You might be wondering how do we change this? We need to be able to track their whereabouts all of the time. There is an invention that allows parents to track their kids wherever they go whenever they go and can give them a phone call whenever they go to certain places or drive above the speed limit. If you are a student at a high school and have lots of fun and your friends invite you to a party and you went, what could happen? You get asked to take drugs and drink and you do it. You realize what you have gotten yourself into. You call your parents but realize you probably wouldn't want them to know so you hang up. One year later you die of lung issues because of that party. Wouldn't you …show more content…

If you ask your mom and dad what they want for their birthday they will tell you that they want you to be safe and not fight. If a parent knows you are safe and doing fine in every situation, there is a better chance that you will be able to have more fun at nights with friends. Their trust will soon build up in you and they will use the device less and only when they are wondering if you are safe. Having fun and acting like a teenager will give you much more in life. This will give you a better opportunity to have kids, a family, and a happy life because your relationships and trust will be stronger. If parents know that you are safe, you will rarely get into trouble, then you will get a better life without as much worry and more

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