
Why Do People Have Cosmetic Surgery If It Is Not Truly Needed?

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Research Paper God is someone who does not make mistakes; He is perfect in every way. He was the one who created the heavens and the earth and most importantly He created human life. God made everyone on this planet based on His image, therefore, everyone is perfect in their own way. Even though some people might no be as “good looking” as others, they are still perfect because they are God’s creation and he does not make mistakes. Since everyone is beautiful in their own way, why do people feel the need to have cosmetic surgery if it is not truly needed? The people in the world today are pressured to look a certain way, wear designer brands, have the latest technology, and drive an expensive car. In order to fit in everyone conforms …show more content…

The media makes it seem like the perfect body is thin and has to have beautiful physical characteristics. The physical characteristics consist of having full lips, good size bust, small, straight nose, a rounded chin, and a six-pack. Recently an online information-sharing community surveyed 527 visitors with a question, “Has social media influenced you to consider or choose to have a cosmetic procedure?” 15.37 percent answered “yes” and 33.40 percent said, “somewhat, I knew I wanted a change but photos on social media made me more aware” (Reiman 22). The results from the survey show that media plays a strong role in people’s decisions. Just by looking at what the media says made a good percentage of the people want to have cosmetic surgery. What is most alarming is the fact that more people look at the media for justification. People want to get accepted in every possible way; but what they don’t realize is that majority of the pictures that the media posts are photoshopped, which makes it unrealistic for a person to have certain attributes. People should not follow what the media says the “perfect body” is because then everyone would end up looking the same. If everyone looked the same there would be nothing interesting about the world and nobody would be unique. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 12.5 million cosmetic procedures and 5.2 million reconstructive procedures performed in 2009 (Miller and Washington 409).

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