
Why Do People Move To Texas

Decent Essays

A lot of people have been moving to Texas , which has cause the lawmakers and the presidential candidates to put a spotlight on Texas. About 5.9 million people have migrated to Texas between 2005 and 2013, from 5.9 million people about 4.8 million of them came to Texas from other states, which means that the last 1.1 million people came from other countries. In other word about 345 people migrate to Texas per day. Lloyd Potter, a state demographer who work the office that provide the periodic snapshots of how the state is growing, stated that more than half of Texas’s population change is from net migration. Meaning that they are more people coming to Texas than the ones leaving Texas. Between 2013 and 2014, the different between the number of people who came to Texas and the number of people who left Texas for other stats was 154,467. Most people who moved to Texas came from California, Florida, Illinois, and Louisiana. In 2013, about 31,499 people left Texas to go to California, while about 62,386 people left California for Texas. People who moved from California about 80 percent of them were born in the United States. And the majority of the people moving to Texas from …show more content…

I think people are moving to Texas because there is a lot of business here, which meaning there is a lot of job opportunity. Because Texas is a free income taxes state it make business want come to Texas and open up shop in Texas. This was a very interesting article because I didn’t really think a lot for people want to move to Texas especially from California. This make you want to explore about what really makes to people what to move there and explore other counties like Harris, Bexar, and Travis, because that’s where most of the people come to Texas go and leave. I cant really agree or disagree with the article because I don’t really know much about the issue and I think this article was well

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