
Why Do Self Driving Cars Exist

Decent Essays

What do you think of when you hear “Self driving Cars”? Many people think of them as a thing of the future, but in reality, they are already here! Self-driving cars exist today, but there’s still a lot to do before they can become mainstream. To understand what goes into self-driving cars we need to look at their history, how they work today, and what improvements still need to be made in the future to make them mainstream. People have always wanted self-driving cars, so who developed the first concepts for self-driving cars? There are many different people and companies that have tried to create self-driving cars, but one of the first self-driving cars was invented by William Bertelsen in 1961 and was called the Aeromobile 35B, this was …show more content…

Self-driving cars will make travel more convenient and potentially safer. The more self-driving vehicles are on the road, the fewer accidents there should be (as long as their driving and safety systems are working properly) since there will be less room for human error. Of course, there is a lot that can go wrong, especially in a situation where for example there is such bad weather that the sensors cannot detect the road and obstacles properly, or a system fails for any reason that will cause the vehicle to stop working properly and potentially crash or cause a crash. These issues are most likely why we haven’t started seeing these vehicles on the road yet since they still need to work on making these systems prevent any issues that can cause system failure and accidents. But once these issues are solved, there isn’t much reason not to use a self-driving car, since they will probably be safer than a human-operated car, and they will be convenient if you need to do something while you drive …show more content…

There is still a bit that needs to be worked on before self-driving cars become mainstream. What can make them even better in the future? They still don’t have a perfect system for detecting anything out of the ordinary while driving, so we can continue to work on making that system better since it will probably never be perfect. Once self-driving cars are as safe as manufacturers and the government decides they need to be and they become more easily accessible to the public, they will probably become more mainstream and common. It is believed self-driving cars should become mainstream by 2021

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