
Argumentative Essay On Self-Driving

Decent Essays

Many people believe that self driving cars will be safer for distracted drivers, while others argue legal issues. “At the beginning of the 20th century, as the number of vehicles increased, the rate of deaths and injuries caused by vehicular accidents likewise jumped.” (Article 1) American have search for a new way to make driving safer and easier. We often come into questioning will self-driving prevent accidents or create more accidents? Over the year we have discovered that we are capable of letting a car make decisions for us on the road. “Americans have dreamed of driverless, horseless carriages since the ’30s, but their advent had to await the development of cheap and convenient computing power.” (Article 1) For centuries, we have let horses pull the buggies and they were capable of finding the way back home without out any help of the driver. “So, autonomous travel is nothing new.” (Article 1) Having a self-driving car is indeed a must, the simple fact that is going to better protect the human race. …show more content…

alone, vehicular accidents have killed more than 32,000 people annually for the past five years for which data is available.” (Article 1) having the self-driving car is a risk our family will have to make. “We tolerate this carnage because cars bring great utility and freedom. Self-driving vehicles deliver even greater utility by freeing driving time for other things — be it texting, working or just relaxing.’ (Article 1) With the 93% human errors we need the self-driving car so we may now text, work, eat relax on the way to work. The self-driving car may now help the disabled and the elderly people get around easier and safer. Having different types of self-driving already out there like cruise control shows how it can already be very

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