
Why Do Stereotypes Exist

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We are all Categorize “No one likes to be labelled, we are nothing but ourselves” (Karen Wolf). Stereotypes are still thriving in this society. Most stereotypes are negative, hurtful and mischaracterized, but few are positive. Theses stereotypes happen between diverse cultures that may not understand each other. It happens when I have a preconceived notion before I meet someone and judge them based on outward appearances. Why do stereotypes exist, what effects do they have and what stereotypes I might have endured? I have always wonder why stereotypes do exist. They are deeply implanted into this society. Sometimes they exist from generation to generation of people that have misconceptions of another group of people. Also, it’s an uncomplicated way to group people into a category and assume the information is correct about that group. For example, I am Caucasian so that means I must like to golf and ski or that I can’t dance. I think that stereotypes are taught from many various sources. Several are peer influenced and several I learned from my parents. However, the mass media also play an enormous role in how I may view others. Now that I have analyzed why stereotypes exist, I will discuss the effects next. …show more content…

I feel that some stereotypes can cause people to be prejudice. For example, I have met people that most would label as terrifying, but ended up as the nicest person. Another effect is that women may feel they have to look like the women in magazines or billboards. Therefore, that would help and encourage some loss of self confidence and self-esteem. Next, I have had jobs where I felt like I was being judged and it made me feel uncomfortable. Then I performed poorly at my job or not as well on my tasks. Now that I have analyzed what effects stereotypes have, I will discuss what stereotypes I might have

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