
Why Do We Really Want To Be Free?

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H.L Mencken wrote “The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” (2013) However, this very statement seems to contradict most of what’s happened throughout history. The Founding Fathers created this nation to rid of us of an immense amount of regulations. Now, instead of regulations, we are faced with something even the Founding Fathers didn’t prepare us for, technology. Technology is making ways to invade our freedoms, yet still supply us with security, while going through the Constitutions loopholes. Yes, people want the safety and security it could provide, but everyone desires freedom. Both are important, however freedom is what most live for, it creates excitement and for that reason freedom is craved. The Constitution has many words that all together allow this country to run fairly efficiently, but yet often at the Supreme Court level, there are discussions on if those words really allow citizens both security and freedom. The United States of America is known to be “the land of the free” this is especially tested in the …show more content…

Companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, Youtube, Apple are allowing the NSA to tap into their central servers to extract audio and video chats, photographs, emails, documents, and connection logs (Gellman & Poltras 2013). Considering a large majority of people operate at least one of these on a daily basis makes this an issue for the public to consider. Because these companies are doing this, people are going to feel as though they lost a majority of their privacy as well as their freedom. The NSA having this type of information happens to create concern in many Americans, for now they feel as though they are being spied on. They may be able to relax since they are being protected from terrorist, but at the same time can’t help feeling a sense of uneasy in the

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