
Why Does Miss Maudie In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Scout, Dill, and Jem watch many of their neighbors and people from further away ride horses and wagons downtown to watch the trial. Even a group of Mennonites, who Jem says rarely come to Maycomb, are going to watch. The foot-washing Baptists Miss Maudie know drive by on their way downtown, and criticize her gardening because it is not the work of God. The children ask Miss Maudie if she is going to watch the trial, and she says that she doesn’t think it’s right to watch a young man be on a trial that will surely end with him being sentenced to death. Why does Atticus tell Jem that Mr. Cunningham is still a good man, even though he was a part of the mob that could have hurt Atticus over the Robinson case? Answer: Atticus knows that most of

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