
Why Does The Leatherback Sea Turtles Do They Face With Migration?

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The Leatherback sea turtle is one of seven different turtle spices in the world. It inhabits three major tropical bodies of water: Pacific, Atlantic, and the Indian Oceans [2]. According to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [1] the leatherback sea turtle (Demochelys coriacea) is at a vulnerable state. With its geographically widespread distribution, the species is doing well in population size. A unique aspect about this turtle is that its diet consists only of soft-bodied animals, such as jellyfish. [16]. Hence, the research question being discusses in this paper being: How and why does the leatherback sea turtle eat only jellyfish? And what dangers do they face with migration? With research from many scientific journals, the following thesis was concluded. Leatherback sea turtles survive and feed exclusively on jellyfish because of their adapted anatomy and for migratory purpose such as foraging and mating while facing dangers of lengthy migrations due to humans. As previously stated, jellyfish, or gelatinous zooplankton, are an integral part of the leatherback sea turtles diet. Jellyfish species (medusae) and population are as geographically widespread as the turtles themselves [9]. Ranging all over the temperate and tropical waters, studying these creatures is very difficult due to difficult …show more content…

That’s why many conservation efforts have been made to help decline the mortality rate caused by humans. Commercial fishing and human pollution is a large cause of mortality during migration for these animals [5]. Another up and coming cause of concern is climate change throughout the world. The turtles rely very heavily on the ability to forage in temperate waters, the migrating to tropical ones. Without having a clear distinction of where to find their prey, the turtle population could once again become

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