
Why Evolution Is True By Coyne Summary

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In his book, Why Evolution is True, Coyne proposes five predictions of evolution and introduces the idea of retrodictions. Both his prediction of common ancestry in the fossil record and his retrodiction of vestigial structures can be observed through the lineage of the modern whale. Creationists can reject this prediction and retrodiction, yet there is enough information disprove their opinion. The history of whales provides a comprehensive fossil record that presents sufficient information to explain the prediction and retrodiction introduced by Coyne.It has been discovered that modern day whales can be traced back many generations, and each one can be considered a transitional form. Approximately 60 million years ago, a wolf-sized mesonychid called a Sinonyx possessed an “elongated muzzle, an enlarged jugular foramen, and a short basicranium” (____). The muzzle …show more content…

Creationists have strived to present functions for structures scientist consider vestigial or deny the existence of them entirely. For example, it is stated on the website “Creation Today” that “there is no fossil evidence for loss of legs in whales” and when referring to hind limbs, is “an example of losing something, not gaining something.” They go on to ask, “How could losing something help an organism evolve or be proof that they were evolving?” As previously mentioned, there are many transitional forms of whales, dating back 60 million years ago. These ancestors were capable of walking, but because of environmental pressures this trait was no longer selected for, creating a new species. Natural selection in this species, selected for more aquatic-like traits, which caused them to become more refined over time. Losing legs allowed the whales to become completely aquatic creatures. Losing the hind legs and still having remnants of these structures is undeniable proof of

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