
Why I Am An Occupational Therapist

Decent Essays

I was at ease because I was in the best hands when my father sat me up on a table to wrap my sprained ankle after a reckless fall in gymnastics. He lectured me while handing me crutches and pulling me back onto my feet. “You have to take it easy until it heals,” he said as he continued to demonstrate how to properly apply my own bandages, ice my ankle and safely walk. This occurrence was not something new to me. Growing up, I was often inspired by the struggles my father underwent as an Asian immigrant fighting to open his own primary care clinic in America. However this gave me the freedom to interact directly with patients to educated people on how to promote their health and the steps to take in order to recover and return to their original lifestyles. My father’s influence and tenacious work ethic instilled in me the dedication to provide the best care possible throughout all my experiences and cultivated my desire to become an occupational therapist. However, when my father suffered a serious stroke in January of this year, I truly began to understand what it means to take care of someone as I took it upon myself to become his caretaker. My father 's deteriorated state was unforgettable; he was unable to fully function nor complete simple tasks or communicate his needs. So, I listened to his concerns and resolved to take care of everything in his absence. Although we initially struggled through the frustrations and challenges of his condition, we eventually

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