
Why I Learned From The Proclamation

Decent Essays

Looking back at what I intend to learn from chapter 1 I have realized that I did not say what I intended to learn from the proclamation. This was a mistake on my behalf. Therefore, I would like to tell you what I have learned.
One of the things that I learned was about President Grant. He would hardly say no to his children and when he did this is what he would do: “He always explained very patiently just why he thought a certain procedure was unwise and then he would say, that’s the way I feel about it; but of course, you must decide for yourself.” (Successful Marriages and Families, page 112, this is what his daughter had shared). You probably are wondering why this has helped me. When our children were growing up we would tell them that we felt that they should not do something and explain why and then we would tell them that it was their choice. It gave me comfort to know that a prophet also did something similar. This is just a little side note. I think sometimes we wonder if we did the right thing and this gave me answer that I felt like I needed at this time.
I had never heard this and the more I read it the greater understanding that I am having and that is “President Spencer W. Kimball taught that the time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us.” (Alan J. Hawkins, page 354, Successful Marriages and Families) It teaches us that we need to

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