
Why I Went To College Essay

Decent Essays

Education has been around for many centuries, but recently in the past 150 to 200 years literacy has changed. College comes after receiving the basic educational skills in middle school and high school. It has been debated continuously whether continuing education to college is quite necessary, or if it is just a complete waste of time. Many compare and contrast this topic because college can be expensive and time consuming. College education can improve one’s life for the good however, college is not for everyone. Throughout high school, a student learns that college is important to further their education and to obtain a good job. Teachers, parents, and counselors are constantly talking to students about attending college in the future …show more content…

This may be the case for other students as well. As shown in the essay, “Plan B: Skip College”, not everyone is meant to go to college. Jacques Steinberg states in his essay, “Plan B: Skip College”, that students that rate below than 80% in their high school class are not likely to receive a bachelor’s degree, or even an associate degree. (106) If this seems to be the case, there are other options for students. Vocational school is one option, where training is provided to perform a numeral amount of jobs in a short amount of time. Although it seems like it is more expensive, vocational schools are a shorter amount of time than a four-year school. This provides many students with an option of become successful even when reaching higher education is not involved. Steinberg goes on to say that college degrees are simply not necessary for many jobs, and that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics that over the next decade only seven jobs will require a bachelor’s degree. (107) Those who believe attending college is the only way to become successful are not entirely right. There are many people today who did not attend college and still managed to become successful. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, is an example of a very successful person who did not attend college. Bill Gates is probably one of the richest people in the world and he did not go to school for his success. There are many others like Bill Gates who are very successful without college

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