
Why Is Abortion Morally Wrong

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Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth and is considered morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a fetus, it is the destruction of many helpless and innocent children across world. By going through the process of having this procedure done, humans therefore hurt themselves; they do not give these little ones a chance to come out in the world and be one or maybe a teacher, doctor or the president of tomorrow. People often argue that because the child is unborn then it is not murder but my question is what is it then? Why kill an unborn harmless child because you simply do not want it; that is why they have foster homes and people can adopt children if they aren’t want Abortion is wrong in all different form, …show more content…

If operating on a pregnant women and they die then guess what, the doctor can be charge for double murder. Which if a doctor can be charged for double murder then why isn’t abortion murder? Women argue that abortion should be the right of the one who is pregnant because sometimes they have situations where women are rape victims. Getting rape and not wanting to keep a child is very understandable but, that doesn’t mean terminate something so precious that is growing inside of you because you do not like the person who rape you; two wrong does not make a right. Statistics show that in every abortion cases there is only one percent of them are rape cases. An unborn child in should a situation like this would also be consider a victim not the one getting punish for something he/her has not committed or has any control over they are harmless and innocent. There have even been cases where many women have done abortion and later regret doing it which is sad but the situation is already done and cannot be taken back. Most of women we have done abortions are even repeat offenders, they keep doing it every single chance they get after they find out they are pregnant so why should it even be their rights, all they are doing is abusing the

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