
Why Is Beowulf Be Considered A Hero

Decent Essays

Superman, George Washington, Captain America, Martin Luther King; most people would agree that at the sound of these names one pictures a hero. But what classifies someone as a hero?
Should be be able to leap tall building in a single bound or give a speech that changes a nation? There are many qualities that can be considered heroic, and Beowulf from the novel Beowulf definitely can be considered a hero. Despite his sometimes conceited behavior, Beowulf’s heroic qualities remain the same as those thought of as heroes today; he is courageous in the face of danger and selflessly risks his life for others and, therefore, shows the most important quality of a hero: honor. II. Courage can be seen in the brave men and women who …show more content…

Unferth was used to being the one people talked about and admired, but after the defeat of Grendel, people were talking about Beowulf. Beowulf reminds him that he shouldn’t put down people who have actually shown courage instead of just talking about it. Courage isn’t something everyone has.
A hero doesn’t only show courage in the face of danger, they also must be selfless. III. Heroes selflessly risks their own lives to help others, and Beowulf lives up to this expectation of a hero.
The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission honors selfless acts. “The extraordinary exploits include pulling someone from a burning building, standing between someone and an attacking animal, rescuing a drowning swimmer, thwarting an assault on a citizen and other facing-death-to-save-a-life acts.” (Weeks)
Would Beowulf receive such an honor? He selflessly helps strangers by defeating the Grendel, gives away the treasure given to him, and finally defeats the dragon that ultimately takes his life. These would definitely be considered selfless acts worth of the Carnegie award.
“A man is defined by his actions (or lack thereof).” …show more content…

They step in the way of danger to protect others. Beowulf does this when he travels to the Danish to save them from the Grendel because he knows he can. No matter how courageous and selfless a hero is, a no one can be considered a hero without honor. IV. All heroes strive for honor.
“For Beowulf, the only prize worth winning is to do something worthy of remembrance. In the poem, good deeds are shown to have everlasting merit – they leave an indelible mark on the world, permanently impacting and shaping it, destined to live on in the memories of those to follow (Ratelle).” A hero that is not perceived as distinguished among other men, is not true hero. A hero that does not have glory that is remembered for all time, is not a true hero. By conquering Grendel and his mother, Beowulf earned the honor of the Danish.
“A warrior would sooner die than live a life a shame (Raffel)”.
Although Beowulf was old when he faced the dragon, he knew he couldn’t back down. Backing down would be worse than dying and would cost him the honor he had earned. Backing down would mean that he would be remembered as a coward instead of a

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