
Why Is Catcher In The Rye Still Relevant Today

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The Catcher in the Rye was not your typical book during the time it was published. The book is about a teenager named Holden who is giving his opinions and views of the world in a descriptive way, that people were not used to reading. The themes of this book are still relevant to today because teenagers can still relate to it.
When this book was first published teenager were not used to the language, the sexual references and Holden's behavior. This book was banned because of all the things it said. Holden thinking about sexual intercourses, the type of language he used and the type of friends he hung out with, caused uprising for the book to be banned. There was violence and Holden even thinking about committing suicide. It was banned for its profanity, sexual content, and violence by many schools from the 60’s to even today. Many schools have recognized its literary importance. “Whatever the intended …show more content…

Parents can think that their kids are innocent, but they never know. Holden did not do his work or care about anyone, but himself. He wanted to grow up fast like teenagers do now. There are teenagers who want to grow up quickly to do certain things. Some already do think grown ups do. For example, some already smoke, drink, do drugs, have sexual intercourse, go to clubs and many more things. Those reasons are why this book is still relevant to today.
The Catcher in the Rye was banned because of some of the events and themes in the novel. When it came out in 1951, things like sexual intercourse was not really talked about or shown as it is today. The word choice used in the book was also another big reason the book was banned in schools. No parent wanted their child reading this book because of these reasons. Even though today, teenagers know a lot about sexual intercourse and a lot of them still say bad words, parents want the book banned or at least have their kid reading another

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