
Why Is Chivalry So Alive

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The Code of chivalry is still alive because many men put their country first and themselves second. For instance, for men fighting for the country who are in the military. It takes a lot of courage to go [into battle] knowing that you may not return home. They have families, friends, and even pets that they are leaving behind to fight for their country. That takes a lot of guts because I can not leave my love ones behind and go off to the war by myself. They only have one life to live and they risking it all for their country they are fighting for. That is the code of chivalry to leave all your love one behinds because the country is depending on you. Also ,why Chivalry could still be alive because a man have obedience to their monarchy. …show more content…

According to another example,George Zimmerman completely broke the code of chivalry. He killed a young teen name Trayvon Martin who had his whole life ahead of him and killed him just because he thought it was self- defense.But we all know the truth the real reason why he killed him because he had a hoodie and most of all he was black. You do not murder someone just on how they look. You should not even murder anyone at all.Trayvon Martin life was cut back short and did not get to experience prom, graduation, college, marriage, he's career just because some ignorant person thought he was a going to hurt or attack but actually it was just a teen going home. Another example that the code of chivalry is still dead because men have sexually assaulted women that women led to suicidal thoughts.For instance, Bill cosby allegedly sexually assaulted more than 50 women who were scared to come out this year. It is really traumatizing for a women to experience sexual assault because someone took control of their body because they didn't had the ability to fight back because they were drug or forced. That can lead to suicidal thoughts because they can never forget that memory of someone taking advantage of them. Suicidal thoughts can lead to depression because they feel that person has power over them and they can not say anything about it because people won’t believe

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