
Why Is Chivalry To Build A Better World

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In a time where vulgar diseases and vile wars were rampant, people needed something to live by, they needed a purpose, chivalry. Today, we have looming towers, hospitals, structure, and government. There are no viral diseases like those of the dark ages but, the ideas of chivalry could still help the world today. Although chivalry has codes for warfare, it encourages the prevention of crime and warfare. If people abide by this and don’t commit crime then the rising crime rates will decrease and people will have better lives. Since 2015 there was a 4.1% increase in the crime rate. This number could be decreasing rather than increasing if people followed the codes of chivalry. Abiding by chivalry could decrease tension between countries because it encouraged honor and no desire for war. A great example of how this could help is by looking at Germany in the early 1900’s, later the Germans lost WWI and were in massive debt then they started WWII and lost, which put them even more in debt. …show more content…

Chivalry has codes for helping others. For example, last year, hurricane Harvey devastated parts of Houston. In response, a professional player named J.J. Watt did a chivalrous act. He began with a 100,000 dollar goal, and with the kindness and generosity of others, he raised an astounding 37 million dollars. Chivalry also gives a guideline between right and wrong. Everyday, people are put in situations between right and wrong and the easiest response is usually the wrong one. This is where chivalry would help those that struggle with doing the right

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