
Why Is Courage Being Scared To Death And Saddling Up Anyway

Decent Essays

“Courage is being scared to death… and saddling up anyway” -John Wayne. This quote is very true. Courage is persevering through tough times and facing your fears. These fears don't have to be great but they can be little things like getting your first shot or learning how to ride a bike. Courage comes in all shapes and sizes. No, this essay is not about me saving someone’s life. Or maybe risking my own for someone else’s. No, this essay is about something smaller. It’s about me being scared to death but saddling up anyway.
One hot sunny day in Orlando Florida, Disney World to be exact, 2011 a young girl about the age of seven was having a debate with her mother on whether to ride a rollercoaster or not.
“Should we go? It seems pretty scary and plus I’m not sure I’m tall enough to ride.” I said
“Oh you are plenty tall, and it will be fun. C’mon what’s the worst that could happen.” replied my mom.
“Well…..” I trailed off as I started counting on my fingers. …show more content…

The sun had no pride in showing its rays. As far as the eye can see there were rides, carnival games, places to eat (with food so greasy you could fill bucket loads), and people. Rides upon rides upon rides. Roller coasters, ferris wheels, log rides, pony rides, anything that you could imagine. But, they was one bigger, faster, and more frightening than all the rest. The blue one as Brianna called it. That roller coaster had people from all over coming to ride it but Brianna was a little hesitant. The argument soon came to an end when Brianna had ran out of possibilities of what bad could happen and her mother urged her to take a risk and have a little courage. So soon enough they made their way to long line. Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into

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