Kandace Alvey BIO 1010-06 The movie I chose to watch for extra credit was Gattaca, this film had some interesting scientific ideas in it. The first thing that I noticed was the difference between their considered perfect individuals and the others who are partially flawed. When they had Vincent and he had lots of chances for disease and an expected life span of thirty-two years, this idea threw me off. I didn’t like that the government could find that out. I don’t know why anyone would want to know exactly how long they are going to live and the probability ADD, Depression, or other illnesses would happen to them. This practice of testing the babies for this is unethical to me in the case of giving a family no hope for their child. This gives
Backstory In the dystopian future of "Gattaca," when genetic modification rules society, a person's destiny is predetermined by their genetic composition. Born naturally without genetic engineering, Vincent Freeman is considered an "in-valid" because of his inferior genetic makeup, although he has ambitions of exploring space. Vincent takes on the name of Jerome Eugene Morrow, a genetically superior "valid," in order to follow his goals in the face of discrimination and limited possibilities. By
the DNA of any life form is not just. Genetically manipulating a life form could put an imbalance in nature and society. No one should have the right to manipulate the genetics of other life forms. The idea of genetic engineering is be consider unethical because it is enforcing animal cruelty. Furthermore, I am appalled that some parent choose their child’s appearance, rather than go through the ‘natural’ process, to prevent bullying and discrimination.
like the Jetsons. You have artificial intelligence, which is slowly giving people a run for their money and showing that robots will soon be in the future. With all these advances in science, you have advances in genetic engineering and the film Gattaca gave a glimpse of a future where genetic engineering is the forefront of reproducing and discrimination. At first glance, you get the idea that the film is about a better world with genetic engineering and the effects that come along with it, but
Human genetic engineering should be banned because it harms the human race since we would be reducing our genetic diversity through this radical process. Human genetic engineering simply eliminates the “undesirable” traits and encourages specific “desirable” traits. With the endless possibilities of choosing what to eliminate, inevitably the “desirable” traits are picked and chosen on whim decisions such as blonde hair, blue eyes, a slender figure, and tall height (Act For Libraries). According to
commodity in a genetic free market. Thoughts of a dystopian society like the one in the film “Gattaca” come to mind. However, taking an immediate repugnant stand against genetic enhancement is not well-founded. A more open-minded inspection of the issue reveals that the idea of parents improving their children’s life prospects through genetic engineering (provided it is safe) is, at its core, not unethical. In fact, some genetic enhancement in addition to correcting deleterious genes to prevent disease
Altering Human Genome “The gene pool could use a little chlorine.” -Bumper Sticker “Consider God’s handiwork; who can straighten what He hath made crooked?” -Ecclesiastes 7:13, from Gattaca “I not only think that we will tamper with Mother Nature. I think Mother wants us to.” -Willard Gaylin, from Gattaca With the scientific breakthroughs of the recent decades the humans have become more powerful than ever in their mastery of Nature. The genetic engineering that allows extracting and modifying
One of the most controversial scientific issues concerning the welfare of the human population is using gene therapy on a developing embryo. Although some individuals deem designer babies as "build-a-bear babies that evoke fears of Gattaca, Brave New World, and the Nazis' quest for a blonde, blue-eyed race of Aryans,” there are more beneficial health aspects that correlate with creating designer babies than these stereotypical negatives (“The Need to Regulate 'Designer Babies”). Due to a larger aging
There are two major issues related to gender selection. One leaning towards the medical risks and consequences. As with all surgical procedures, removing and altering a chromosome has detrimental risks. ANY alteration when it comes to DNA and genes can instigate horrific physical and biological deformations in a fetus. Worldwide studies have proved the increase of birth defects on babies born after “Chromosomal Manipulation.” The second and most detrimental towards society is possible sex ratio
of the human race Ethical Viewpoints The process of changing the traits of our younger generation can be seen as somewhat selfish and messing with natural selection. Also it might lead to a certain kind of discriminatory features (as mentioned in GATTACA). Biological Stand Points Mention the different trouble that can be caused with this process such as bottlenecking and narrowing the gene pool. Social Stand Points For these to process to be accepted as legal in this society we must consider each