
Why Is Gettysburg Important

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Why was income tax created? When the Northern economy cultivated, the congress decided to help and pay for the war by gathering their first income tax. A tax that takes a quantified percentage of an person’s salary. Summary: In section 2 it talks about the start of Civil War and what happened during that time. It first talks about the destruction of Fort Sumter and how the Union and Confederate crashed together. There were many strong points and plans during the conflict. It also talked about the Bull Run and was the first violence on the frontline. In section 2, it also talked about lives about the slaves and also soldiers during the war. Pg. 183 Section 3 Why is Gettysburg important? Gettysburg is in the southern Pennsylvania The most …show more content…

After the Civil War finished the US had to reintegrate a previous slave population and a disobedient population into the country. Lincoln’s post war idea was to enable reunification and reconciliation and Johnson’s guiding reconstruction principle was that the South was never permitted to separate. Johnson was also from the south and disliked all the leaders in the South who had disregarded him. He was also a racist and who didn’t think that blacks should not have a part in the reconstruction. The federal government orders who can vote and who is and isn’t a citizen. To most slaves, getting land for them was the key to independence and many felt that they were guaranteed land by the Union Army. President Johnson ordered all land and returned to its original owners. The south continued largely cultivated and in conclusion he ended up with sharecropping. Sharecropping substituted slavery in the south and landowners provided housings and also tools and seed. The sharecroppers would get a portion of the crops and in the 1860’s poor white farmers also were into sharecropping, by the Great Depression a lot of the sharecroppers where white. In 1876, there were doubtful electoral votes in South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. There was a constitutional establishment that talks about the congress determining on the winner but they presented unable to achieve something. So they prearranged a 15 man Electoral Commission called the “Super-Committee” where there were 8 Republicans and 7 Democrats. Lastly, there were about 2000 African Americans who detained office throughout

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