
Why Is Henrietta Lacks Unethical

Decent Essays

1. Medical science has advanced tremendously from studying Henrietta Lacks’s cells by developing a vaccine that cured polio. For example, scientist used Henrietta Lack’s cells in the development of drugs that have proven successful in treating Parkinson’s disease, herpes, and influenza. In addition, scientists sent Henrietta Lacks’ cells up into space to see what would happen to human cells in a zero-gravity environment.
2. After watching the movie several times, I believe that during the 1950’s, institutional racism, and segregation, as well as the fact that she was a poorly educated black woman were all factors as to why the doctors took her cells without getting her permission.
3. Lack of education or knowledge about the use of the cells and the economics or profit earned by the pharmaceutical companies were the major factors as to why her family was in the dark for many years about the different ways her cells were contributing to the world of medical science.
4. Yes, I think it was unethical for researchers to take her cells and make millions of dollars by using them without her permission. I believe the researchers were lacking both basic ethical and moral principles as physicians. Ethical – Acting in a professional matter that is morally …show more content…

In 1951, Henrietta Lacks had cells removed from her body without her permission, since then there have been many changes in the way medical researchers get their information. For example, medical researchers today need to obtain consent from the individuals and the parents of children from whom they are performing biomedical tests on as well as an Institutional Review Board (IRB). In addition, in 1996 the United States introduced (“HIPPA Regulations”) that offer data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information. In the case of Henrietta Lacks and her HeLa cells, her rights and her privacy did not exist, so new policies and laws paved the way to help protect the rights of

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