
Why Is It Difficult For Drug Users From Taking Substances Of Addiction?

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Why is it difficult for drug users to abstain from taking substances of addiction? Draw on, and critically evaluate, theory and empirical evidence from biological psychology in answering this question.

Biological psychology examines our behaviours and internal processes from a biological perspective and examines how psychological phenomena could have physiological bases. As the brain is composed of trillions of synaptic connections governed by the release of either excitatory (e.g. glutamate) or inhibitory (e.g. GABA) chemical neurotransmitters (NTs) by neurons, biological psychology proposes that the brain is where the explanation for behaviours can be found. Drug addiction is defined as both chronic and distinguished by compulsive use of drugs and seeking out that drug, even with harmful and negative consequences. A person’s addiction and susceptibility to addiction can be be explained by the levels and actions of NTs and chemical signals throughout the brain, specifically located in the limbic system or the brains “reward system”. This reward system (around the septal and lateral hypothalamus area) was accidently discovered when Olds & Milner (1954) found that rats remained in the corner of a box where they received stimulation, indicating that the rats found the stimulation pleasurable.

Drugs imitate the brain’s NTs or artificially alter their levels by overstimulating their release or inhibiting their absortion. Highly addictive drugs include heroin, cocaine,

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