
Why Is It Important?

Decent Essays

In all decisions there exists one unique factor with the potential for dominating, even outright annihilating an original objective, purpose or intention altogether. That factor is time. In fact, it may be the underlying reason for a particular decision or course of action altogether. Especially profound are time’s effects on strategic decisions as conceivably long intervals and concomitant risk synthesize to produce a myriad of vulnerabilities. For example, the time value of money permeates any and all capital investment with a fundamental understanding that capital here and now has added value over the same amount in the future. Furthermore, experienced investors recognize there exists a direct correlation between a term of a bond and interest rates which affect stability of the principal; longer terms equate to riskier and elevated investment volatility. One will also find time a key component in formulations of mathematics, physics, and economics just to name a few. Amortizing a mortgage, calculations of speed and actuarial charts for life insurance are only a handful of applications that rely on time as an essential factor. Even more subtle is time’s ubiquitous nature as it suffuses the human equation.

A more abstract understanding of time indicates the existence of a dichotomous perception and corresponding application amid the world 's cultures. This dichotomy generally splits between what one might associate with "old world" and "new world." While

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