
Why Is It That Europe Colonized Africa and Asia

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Reasons why Europe Colonized Asia and Africa and not the Other Way Round

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Colonization is the governing influence, control or acquiring partial or full political control past another country, occupying it with foreign settlers and manipulating it economically. It also is when a group or society of people migrates from one area to another but keep their original homeland language and culture. Colonialism is establishment and preservation for a lengthy period, of rule over foreign people that are independent from and subordinate to a power ruling. Colonialism takes a variety of forms. There are three basic variations namely;

I. Internal colonialism

II. External …show more content…

Though there is no one distinct definitive answer to the question above but rather, it can be presumed that a combination of various aspects prominently featured in the process of decision making of the Europeans responsible for colonization of Asian and African continents.

At one point, Europe increasingly became involved in Africa and Asia. First and foremost, Europe experienced a revival of Christianity in the 19th century. Christian missionaries started focusing on the larger working class with the main objective of bringing salvation and spirituality to the laborers and their families. The bible was now openly made available to the laborers.

Due to their great success, the missionaries started to look beyond the borders of Europe. Missions were then established all over Africa and the Pacific. Although missionaries did not serve directly as agents of European colonization and imperialism, but they drew and brought the European governments deeper into Asia and Africa (Verlinden, 1970). In their unlimited quest and efforts to preach the good news of Christianity, to deeply ingrain monogamy in the African societies, to bring the western style of education to Asia and Africa, the missionaries more that often times felt threatened by the state of warfare in Africa. Thence, forthwith, missionaries called out to the European

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