
Why Is John Dewey Wrong

Good Essays

Education is everything

Was our educational system created on a deeply mistaken theory? According to E.D. Hirsch the educational system in 1988 was based on the teachings of a 50 year old theory from Jean Jacques Rousseau. Hirsch, talks about John Dewey, “the writer who has most deeply affected modern educational theory and practice”(Hirsch 1988). Dewey has based his theories on the old teachings of Rousseau. “Only by piling up specific, communally shared information can children learn to participate in complex cooperative activities with other members of their community”(Hirsch 1988) is what Hirsch said, which completely contradicts what John Dewey was teaching. Hirsch goes on to prove that Dewey had made assumptions and that he …show more content…

Any person in a democratic society has the ability to have their voice heard which means they have the ability to influence anything. The more voices yelling for the same goal the more power and influence they have. “Literate culture is the most democratic culture in our land: it excludes nobody; it cuts across generations and social groups and classes.”(Hirsch) By saying this, Hirsch is demonstrating that he is clearly attempting to bring opportunity to all. He does not want a divided society. When referring to Dewey’s theory of not having a shared knowledge base he says, ”It would be hard to invent a more effective recipe for cultural fragmentation”(Hirsch) This quote essentially means that the old theory of education is inadequate and that it is creating a divide within our …show more content…

He expresses this in his writing by name calling and outright claiming other people are wrong. The purpose of his writing is to wake people up and to get people to break the cycle that is keeping the poor in poverty and keeping them illiterate. This is evident in the way he proposes his solution by naming the ones in the schools who can make a difference. His audience is anybody that will listen to him who can directly or indirectly influence practices in schools. Hirsch’s stance is that of a person concerned for the future of society. One of a person who is so sure that he is right that he will blatantly say that others are wrong and mistaken. Hirsch made some valid points. Was our educational system created on a deeply mistaken system? After reading Hirsch’s text I believe the answer is yes. I do believe there is truth in that the old faulty practice was creating cultural fragmentation. The more culture one has shared with one another the easier it is to come together and cooperate. The cycle of the poor and illiterate staying poor and illiterate will stay the same if society doesn’t attempt to bridge the gap. The best place to start is in school because that is the only place of opportunity to expose the less privileged children to a knowledge base needed to function in the modern

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